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Youth & Young Adult Ministries


The Youth and Young Adult Ministries strive to love and encourage each other in a Christian environment, discover God and God’s purpose for our lives, nurture those in and outside of our church, and share in praise for who and what God is to us.  We desire to see our young people be part of a Jesus-centered ministry that encourages each other in our faith as we serve our surrounding world.


During the school year the Youth Ministry meets regularly on Sunday and Wednesday nights.  Also throughout the year we have several trips and special events planned.  Some are only day trips, and some are overnight weekend retreats.


We would love to have you join us.  Check out our Facebook pages (below) or feel free to email HERE or call (502-897-6449) with any questions you may have.



Sunday mornings

Sunday School 10:00 AM in the Youth Suite


Sunday nights during school year  (Check website calendar for activities)

4:30-5:15 Crusader (youth) Choir

5:00-6:00 Supper

6:00-7:30 Youth Sunday Night Activities


Wednesday Nights during school year (Wednesday Night Live!)

6:00-6:30 Youth Handbells (Music Suite)

6:30-7:30 Youth Activities


Events During the Year

Winter Blitz

Fall Retreat

Operation Christmas Child

Holiday World trip

Confirmation Class

Summer Mission Trip

Winter Jam


Youth Family Information and Release Form (PDF)



Ages 18-30, college, career, married, single


Sunday Morning

Two great Sunday School options at 10:00am. 

  • The Incredibles (college age)

  • Life Connections (20-30-40’s, married, single, young families)


Tuesday Nights

7:00-9:00pm in Wesley Café

Free Meal and Bible Study



Events During the Year

Service Projects

Seasonal Retreats

Other social Gatherings

© 2014 St. Matthews United Methodist Church, Louisville, KY

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