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On August 7th, 2022, we will be having our Blessing of the Backpacks, which is an opportunity for kids of all ages to bring their backpack full of school supplies to the church to be blessed by the congregation. We will have a special liturgy where we will pray for all students, teachers, and volunteers. In addition each student will receive a blessing that they can carry with them on a daily basis. 


August 7th is also our Promotion Sunday where we will be celebrating 5th graders moving into 6th grade and joining the youth group as well as new pre-K and Kindergarteners coming in to our children's ministry. 


We will have separate age level classes for our pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd, and 3rd-5th graders. Our Tweens program (3rd-5th) will also begin again on Sunday evenings. 


Our typical Sunday schedule is*:

10-11 Sunday School 

11-12 Wiggle Worship (all ages - turning 4 by 10/1 and up)**

5-7 Tweens (parallel time with youth group)


* We do not have Wiggle Worship on the 1st Sunday of the month so that all of our children can worship and participate in communion with the larger church family. 

** Nursery is available for our younger children at the same time as Sunday School and Wiggle Worship


These are great ways to get involved at St. Matthews, and we'd love to have you join us! 


Please feel free to send me any questions you may have, and I will answer them as quickly as possible. I hope to see you soon!


In Christ, 

Ms. Shannon Seidt

Director of Children's Ministry

Saint Matthews UMC 


© 2014 St. Matthews United Methodist Church, Louisville, KY

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